Posts Tagged ‘518’


5.18 기념홍보관 The 5.18 Memorial Exhibition Hall @Cultural Complex Station

In My travel in Korea on 05/11/2017 by catherineyylam Tagged: , ,



As i stayed close to the Cultural Complex Station 문화전당역 Exit 2, i bumped into this mini exhibition at the Exit 3 when i unintentionally passed by.  Though of small scale and without popularity, it is interesting to see that the space in the underground station is well utilised.

Further readings and movies regarding 518 democracy uprising movement:-

  3. 挖掘機 포크레인 (recommended, an rare angle was adopted)
  4. 藍眼睛的目擊者 푸른 눈의 목격자
  5. 逆權司機/택시운전사
  6. 華麗的假期 화려한 휴가 May 18 
  7. 1987






What happened at 5:18pm everyday in Gwangju….

In My travel in Korea on 03/11/2017 by catherineyylam Tagged: , ,

The day before i shot this video clip, i was walking in a busy street with many people passing by, suddenly i heard this melody and not much aware where it came from, when i figured it out, i determined to show up again at 5:18 during my stay….

@ 5.18민주광장/ 5.18 Democracy Square

‘님을 위한 행진곡’

임을 위한 행진국
Photo taken at the 5.18민주화운동기록관 / 5.18 Democratization Movement Archives



A movie, with similar title, will be screening in May 2018,  38th anniversary of the democracy movement.

‘임을 위한 행진곡’

There was also a novel with the title ‘임을 위한 행진곡’ published….

Further reading

  1. 獻給光州的進行曲:南韓不再一樣的「華麗的假期」-an informative article.
  2. 光州屠城後36年 韓國有沒有正視歷史?
  3. 20170924-安裕:歲月雖然流逝,山川卻都知道
  4. 淺談韓國抗爭運動的歌曲
  5. 임을 위한..’ 내년 5월 전 노래방서도 부르게 된다